Microwave Intergrated Circuit Trainer

Microwave Intergrated Circuit Trainer

Key Features

  • Supplied with generator, MIC components and meter
  • PC to PC Data Communication
  • Generator with Internal AM and FM
  • Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurement
  • Directivity and Gain Measurement


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Product Description

The MTT7208 Micro-strip Microwave Trainer with Microwave Integrated Circuits (MIC) includes instruments and accessories for studying the characteristics of any MIC component over the frequency range 2.2 to 3 GHz.

The Trainer teaches the characteristics of all components listed below, by measurements of transmission loss and reflection loss. Theory, background of the components and experiments are provided in the teaching manual.


  • PC to PC Data Communication using MIC components
  • Measurement of transmission loss and reflection loss
  • Measurement of substrate dielectric constant using ring resonator
  • Measurement of power division, isolation and return loss characteristics
  • Measurement of coupling, isolation and return loss characteristics
  • Measurement of coupling and directivity
  • Measurement of Low Pass filter characteristics
  • Measurement of Band Pass filter characteristics
  • Measurement of Band Stop filter characteristics
  • Measurement of characteristics of Patch antennas
  • Measurement of characteristics of an MIC amplifier