Noise Audio-Amplifier

Noise Audio-Amplifier

Key Features

  • Examine the operation of a noise generator
  • Examine the operation of a signal attenuation network
  • Measurement of the frequency response and power output
  • Functional Blocks indicated via on board mimics
  • On board loud speaker


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Product Description

The 7505 Noise Audio amplifier is part of an analogue communication range which provides all the necessary inputs, test points and connections for experimentation. The 7505 trainer teaches the students the principles of noise interference in electronics and communications. The students can use the audio amplifier to increase the signal noise to observe the effects via the on board load speaker.


  • Examine the operation of a noise generator
  • Examine the operation of a signal attenuation network
  • Measurement of the power output
  • Measurement of frequency response
  • Analysis of distortion with square wave
  • Measurement of noise figure