Sampling and Reconstruction Trainer

Sampling and Reconstruction Trainer

Key Features

  • Functional blocks indicated via on board mimics
  • Crystal controlled pulse generator
  • Demonstrates sampling and reconstruction as per Nyquist criterion
  • 6 Selectable sampling Frequencies
  • Sampling Pulse Duty Cycle Selectable
  • Internal / External sampling input selectable
  • Separate Sample and sample/Hold outputs
  • On-board 2nd order and 4th order low pass filters


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Product Description

The unit is one of a range of digital communication trainers and provides all necessary inputs and connections for students to study signal sampling and reconstruction techniques.


  • Sampling and reconstruction of signal.
  • The effect of II order and IV order low pass filter on reconstructed signal.
  • The effect of sample amplifier and sample and hold amplifier on reconstructed signal.
  • The Nyquist criteria for sampling and reconstruction of signal.
  • The effect of sample /hold circuit on reconstructed signal
  • Effect of sampling pulse duty cycle on the reconstructed signal in sample and sample hold output.
  • Comparison responses of 2nd order and 4th order LPFs.
  • Verification sampling and reconstruction data transmission scheme for